How the Mental Health Conversation Has Changed from Generation to Generation

Mental HealthPreventative Disability Management

I can’t help it; I get really excited when I talk about mental health.  And I talk about it a lot. At work I talk with those who might be learning about their own...

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How You Can Use Treatment as Prevention From Ill Health

Mental HealthPreventative Disability Management

I recently read a very interesting article that discusses the use of PrEP (pre exposure prophylaxis) to prevent HIV infection within at risk populations.  The treatment is otherwise known as the HIV prevention pill...

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The Benefits of Introducing Health Promotion Groups into Your Workplace

I recently read about a US University workplace that ran a study to determine if offering health promotion in a group support model made a difference, rather than offering individual support.  They targeted type...
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This Year I Resolve to Work to Wellness

Mental HealthPreventative Disability Management

Every year I dread January 1, or more precisely New Year’s Eve. Don’t get me wrong, I like a good party, and I appreciate the need to reflect back on the year, and even...

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