Employers / HR / OHS / Leaders


  • Can we have Part 2 “Managing Minds Matter” without Part 1 “Every Mind Matters at Work”?
  • Our 2 part workshops are specifically designed as building blocks to the next, more advanced skills. Participants must complete Part 1 first. In some situations, we may be able to customize a workshop to blend both parts on one day.
  • Will participants feel safe in the mental health workshops?
  • We get this question a lot; mental health can be a sensitive subject for workplace conversation. We work hard to create a safe environment where participants are not pressured to share personal information; and are encouraged to ask difficult and relevant questions. Our facilitators are very experienced in workplace mental health, address complex topics and respond sensitively even when participants have different comfort levels or viewpoints. Participants comment that they are relieved to speak so openly about workplace mental health and that the discussions are very valuable. Much of the feedback we receive includes enjoyment of the camaraderie they felt during the workshop and gratitude to their employer for providing the venue for this important dialogue.
  • What if the workshop uncovers and brings forward mental health problems that we can’t manage?
  • We get it; it can be intimidating to start talking openly about mental health. We help you select the right workshop for your work culture and can address existing current mental health scenarios the right way.
  • Our workplace has had a recent mental health crisis or incident; is it the right time to do a workshop?
  • Some organizations come to us after a mental health related incident such as a serious workplace accident, an unexpected death of an employee, or a poorly managed employee who had mental health challenges. We offer a range of services to address a range of workplace mental health needs; we work with you to select the right service and level of support. Please let us know what is happening in your workplace and we can help you, confidentially.


You have been referred for services with our team and have some questions about us and our services. It is important to us that you are confident that we can help you and understand how we work. Check out the questions that we regularly hear, and our answers. Please let us know if you have other questions or would like to speak to us directly by email or using our contact form.

  • What happens to me?
  • One of our professional team members will contact you directly and explain the confidential services we can provide to you. Depending on your situation, services can differ. They likely include meeting with you privately and working confidentially with you and your health team. Your participation is voluntary and you will know what to expect at every step of the way.
  • Can I trust you? How do I know you are here to help me?
  • We work hard to earn your trust; that starts with full transparency of our purpose, our process, and with you being in the centre of our work. We will listen to understand your unique situation and needs, work together with your treatment team and your employer to create a plan to help you get healthy. Our team is accountable to a Professional College which means you are protected.
  • Privacy/consent: What happens to my information?
  • In order to do our best work, we need to understand your work and health situation. With your permission, we collect information we need to fulfill our obligations to you. We explain why we need the information, what we do with the information, and the limits of confidentiality. We need your permission to share your information and you will know what is discussed and shared at every step of the way. Look here for a full description.
  • Will you understand about my job?
  • We know how important it is to feel understood and knowing about your unique work role and environment is key. We work with many industries and professions such as teachers, first responders, nurses and other healthcare professionals, engineers, transportation sector and many others. We will talk with you about your job and your workplace so we can fully understand your perspective.

Health Care Providers

Work to Wellness is assisting one of your patients or clients and we may have asked to speak with you, meet in person, or to read our letter; or you want to check us out:

  • How much time will this take?
  • We value your time and don’t wish to take you away from your patient care unless we are sure we can help. We work with your office staff to be efficient and to pay you for your time.

  • How do I know you are really helping my patient/client?
  • Our consultants are very experienced Professionals with extensive qualifications and membership with professional colleges and associations. We are oriented to the needs of the individuals we work with. Our services are voluntary and the individual retains control of their information and is at the centre of our work. Our interest is to support them through recovery and to be as healthy as possible. Please ask our consultant to explain how we are supporting your patient/client.