Does the Fitbit Make You Neurotic?

Physical HealthWorkplace Health

I’ve been asked many times whether or not I agree with using Fitbits as a motivation for increased physical activity. And while I agree that increasing physical activity is a great way to support...

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Random Acts of Kindness

Mental HealthWorkplace Health

This week is Random Acts of Kindness week; a great time to notice your surroundings and pay attention to the Random Acts of Kindness that occur every day.  Which, as I wrote this blog,...

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The Pain of Silence Around Substance Abuse

Mental HealthPreventative Disability Management

This week was particularly sad for my household, as we learned that our good friends lost their son, suddenly, and of course tragically. He was very young, and we know little about what happened,...

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Getting Rid of the “Sick Note”

Preventative Disability Management

Many disability management programs or processes require that employees provide sick notes from their physician to validate their work absence. These notes vary in content, but many include an estimate for the time away from...

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