
Half-day or virtual


Employees of all levels


Any industries including manufacturing, government, education, healthcare, engineering & sciences, technology, not-for-profit, financial (banking and insurance).


Our Social Support programs include practical strategies for getting and giving support without being “weird”. Social support is a powerful way to create connections at work and make it a fun place to be. Participants will create better self-awareness of their own social support needs using several tools. They will learn to recognize early signs of struggle as a gap in meeting their unique needs. They will learn how to ask for the support they need without “being weird”. Our building resilience workshop builds great awareness of common experiences with work peers. It improves communication and understanding of each other, thus creating a work environment that supports better mental health. This workshop is great for creating consistent language around mental health and building confidence to discuss mental health with colleagues.

What will you Learn?

• Describe the continuum of mental health: from illness to fitness
• Learn a new way of understanding work stress with built in solutions
• State the importance of social support as an antidote for work stress
• Assess their unique social support needs using a new tool
• Create a dialogue/script to ask for what they need
• Practice with a colleague
• Create a step by step plan to build social support with input from colleagues
• Describe the continuum of mental health: From illness to wellness
• State the potential incidence and impact of mental health/illness in the workplace
• Recognize indicators of a possible mental health issue
• Evaluate your mental health status using the wellness wheel
• List an array of strategies to promote mental health, in yourself and others in the workplace

Who Should Attend this Course?

Designed to appeal to anyone interested in improving the way they feel at work (and away from work).


85% of participants recommend this session for their work colleagues.

Interested in booking 'Building Resilience and Social Support'?

Contact us today for more details.
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It was surprisingly easy to ask for what I needed; I just hadn’t thought of it that way before.

— Participant

I loved the mental health continuum and will use it regularly.

— Participant